The best programs for limited English proficient (LEP) students engage them at their own pace. Effective programs encourage language proficiency with interactive, context-rich, multi-cultural content delivered in a safe, personalized learning environment (Kelso 2010).

Waterford Early Learning leverages its deep library of over 8,000 engaging activities to maximize student exposure and comprehension to oral language. Waterford Early Learning effectively addresses the unique instructional needs of LEP students with five key strategies:

  • Build language skills through regular exposure to oral English and opportunities to practice speaking aloud.
  • Personalize instruction, which allows students to learn at their own level and pace.
  • Emphasize high learning standards while respecting individual strengths and needs.
  • Celebrate student diversity.
  • Encourage language minority parents to be more active participants in their child’s education.

Download the full white paper, with more strategies for successfully engaging ELL students, below!.