Community Partners

It Takes Teamwork

Every child needs the support of caring and positive adults as they start their educational journey. It takes families, educators, and community leaders working together to teach children the foundational literacy, math, science, and mindset skills they need to succeed. is proud to partner with philanthropic, government, Tribal Nations, and community organizations to help prepare young learners and their families for a lifetime of academic success. We achieve this mission by offering:

  • online learning
  • research-based educational resources
  • coaching for caregivers and The Audacious Project​

Waterford Upstart was named a 2019 Audacious Project, one of eight projects with world-changing potential. Learn more about TED’s The Audacious Project, and watch Claudia Miner, Executive Director & Cofounder of Waterford Upstart, deliver her TED Talk at the 2019 Audacious Project announcement in Vancouver, BC.

Supportive Sponsors

Imagine Futures

Proud Partners is proud to partner with public school districts, independent schools, and state entities around the country, including The Utah State Board of Education, the Indiana Family and Social Service Administration, and the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee for Partnership for Innovation.