Support Our Mission is a national education nonprofit dedicated to providing high-quality educational resources to children, families, communities, and partners. We combine the science of learning, the power of mentoring, and the promise of technology to build family and community partnerships that deliver access, excellence, and equity in education for all children.

Your donation supports programs and services like Waterford Upstart, which helps early learners develop the basic skills they need to excel in reading, math, and science—all at no cost to families.

Every contribution you make helps us reach more young children and their families.

Meet Waterford Upstart Families

Prepared for Kindergarten: Leila’s Story Leila is a Waterford Upstart graduate who knows she has the skills to start school strong. She can count to 10 (and beyond!), rhyme words with ease, and even write her name. She’s more than ready for kindergarten!
South Carolina Family Engagement Model: Donna’s Story Donna Russell is the primary caretaker for her grandchildren, all under 6 years old. With this much energy in the house and so much to do, she appreciates the family engagement program created by the South Carolina Department of Education in partnership with When it comes to getting them prepared to start school, Donna has an entire support team.