Are you looking for fun family games to pass those long winter nights? Or do you need a printable game for road trips?
Why not get your children’s competitive juices flowing with some family-friendly trivia questions? They’ll make the next family game night or road trip a hit. Pull up or print out these trivia questions for your kids and see if you can stump your children, or if they can stump you.
These fun trivia game questions for kids are sorted into categories, and they range in difficulty so you have options for preschool-aged kids as well as older children.
Language Trivia Questions![A father quizzing his daughter at the kitchen table](
1. Q: What do we call the special letters A, E, I, O, and U?
A: Vowels.
2. Q: What’s the name of the building where people can borrow books or hear stories?
A: The library. (Then, ask your children, “What’s your favorite part about the library?”)
3. Q: How many letters are in the alphabet?
A: 26.
4. Q: Can you sing the alphabet?
A: (Let your children sing the ABC song here.)
5. Q: Letters that aren’t vowels are called what?
A: Consonants.
6. Q: A word or sentence that reads the same backward or forward (like: “Madam, I’m Adam”) is called what?
A: A Palindrome.
Human Body Trivia Questions
7. Q: How long should you wash your hands with soap and water to get rid of germs?
A: 20 seconds. Plus, share this tip for your little ones! If you don’t have a watch, you can time it by singing the alphabet song or the “Happy Birthday” song to yourself as you wash.
8. Q: True or false:You can boost your immune system by getting enough sleep at night.
A: True! Along with eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise, sleeping can help your body’s immune system.
9. Q: Which organ is the heaviest?
A: Your skin is an organ, and it’s the heaviest one you’ve got. The heaviest organ inside your body is your liver.
10. Q: Which of these does your skin not do?
1) Protects you against germs
2) Keeps you warm or cools you down
3) Helps you feel things
4) Helps you hear
A: 4. Helps you hear. Your skin does many great things, like protecting your body from germs, but you can’t hear through it.
11. Q: Can you see germs with the naked eye?
A: Nope. Germs are so tiny that you can’t see them without a microscope.
12. Q: True or false: More than two-thirds of our body is made of water.
A: True!
13. Q: How many bones are in the human body?
A: A grown-up human has 206 bones in their body. But kids have more! Newborns start with 300 bones and some join together as they grow.
14. Q: Where is the smallest bone in the human body?
A: In the ear.
15. Q: Where are the smallest muscles in the human body?
A: In the ear.
16. Q: What is the hardest substance in the human body?
A: Tooth enamel. So brush up to keep it that way!
Animal Trivia Questions
17. Q: I’m a kitten. I make this sound when I’m mad: ____.
A: A Hiss. Cats can meow, hiss, purr, and yowl. Sometimes they make chattering sounds when they see prey.
18. Q: What’s the only land mammal that can’t jump?
A: The elephant. They’re just too big.
19. Q: What’s the only mammal that can fly?
A: Bats. Other mammals can glide, and humans can fly in airplanes, but only bats fly on their own.
20. Q: What’s the world’s biggest fish?
A: The whale shark! Despite its name, it’s a fish, not a whale.
21. Q: I’m an owl. I’m nocturnal. That means I’m most active at: night or day?
A: Night. Animals that are most active in the day are called diurnal.
22. Q: A duck-billed platypus is a mammal, but it’s different from other mammals because of how it has its babies. Why is it so unique?
A: It lays eggs.
23. Q: What do you call a mammal whose babies grow up in their mommy’s pouch?
A: A marsupial.
24. Q: What are rhinoceros horns made out of?
A: Hair (or, as scientists call it, keratin).
25. Q: What fish lives in both freshwater and saltwater, and returns to the river they were born in to lay their eggs again?
A: Salmon.
26. Q: What’s the largest animal to have ever lived?
A: The blue whale. They can be more than 100 feet long.
27. Q: True or false: Sharks have been around since before dinosaurs?
A: True. Sharks have been on earth for more than 400 million years!
28. Q: What is the only species of bird that can fly backward?
A: A hummingbird.
29. Q: True or false: Gorillas are so big, strong, and tough that they must be fierce meat-eaters.
A: False. Gorillas are gentle and are mostly vegetarians (though sometimes they eat bugs).
30. Q: True or false: Only male walruses have tusks.
A: False. Both male and female walruses have long tusks.
31. Q: What mammal can live to be 200 years old?
A: The bowhead whale.
32. Q: What animal has fingerprints nearly identical to humans?
A: The koala. Sometimes koala fingerprints have confused police at crime scenes.
Earth and Geography Trivia Questions
33. Q: What is the capital of the United States of America?
A: Washington, D.C.
34. Q: Is earth the only planet with life?
A: So far, it’s the only one we know has life. But scientists suspect other planets may have life on them—so we’re looking!
35. Q: On what continent will you find the south pole?
A: Antarctica.
36. Q: What’s the name of earth’s tallest mountain?
A: Mount Everest, which is in Tibet. It is 29,035 feet tall. That’s about as high as jet airplanes fly. To people in Tibet, it’s always been known as Chomolungma.
37. Q: What country has the most people living in it?
A: China is home to more than 1.39 billion people.
38. Q: What continent are the Andes Mountains on?
A: South America. (Bonus question: Can you find South America on a map?)
39. Q: What country is also an entire continent?
A: Australia.
40. Q: How much of the earth is covered in water?
A: 70% of earth is covered with oceans. It’s mostly water.
41. Q: Where are the most species found on earth: The rainforest, the sea, or the savanna?
A: The sea. Most species are found near underwater coral reefs.
42. Q: How many people are on earth today?
A: Around 7.8 billion people live on earth today.
43. Q: What’s the lowest place on earth?
A: The Dead Sea, which is located in Jordan and Israel. It’s more than 1,350 feet below sea level.
44. Q: What’s the largest state in the United States of America?
A: Alaska.
45. Q: What’s the smallest state in the United States of America?
A: Rhode Island.
46. Q: What was the 50th state to join the United States of America?
A: Hawaii.
Ocean Trivia Questions
47. Q: A group of fish is called what?
A: A school.
48. Q: A group of dolphins is called what?
A: A pod.
49. Q: Can you drink ocean water?
A: No. Even though most of the earth is covered in oceans, drinking saltwater in them can make people sick.
50. Q: What’s the largest turtle in the world?
A: The leatherback sea turtle. It lives in the ocean and can grow up to 2,000 pounds!
51. Q: What country is the world’s biggest coral reef near?
A: The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of Australia.
52. Q: What are the names of the five oceans on earth?
A: The five oceans are: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean.
53. Q: What’s the deepest part of the ocean named?
A: The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is more than 35,827 feet deep. That’s almost 7 miles under water!
Science and Nature Trivia Questions
54. Q: What made-up name is used to remember the colors of a rainbow?
A: Roy G. Biv (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet).
55. Q: Fill in the blank: Trees need light, soil, and ______ to grow.
A: Water.
56. Q: What do we use to measure temperature?
A: A thermometer.
57. Q: What tool do we use to measure the weight of something?
A: A scale.
58. Q: What gas do plants absorb from the air?
A: Carbon dioxide.
59. Q: What gas do plants release back out into the air?
A: Oxygen.
60. Q: The name for the natural home where plants, animals, or organisms live is called ______.
A: A habitat.
61. Q: Earth’s surface is made of big slabs of rock that move around. These are called ______ plates.
A: Tectonic plates.
62. Q: Which scientist is best known for the equation E=mc2?
A: Albert Einstein.
63. Q: Electricity needs a complete path, called a ______, to travel through.
A: Circuit.
64. Q: What’s faster: The speed of light or the speed of sound?
A: The speed of light.
Space Trivia Questions![The earth from space](
65. Q: What’s bigger, the sun or the moon?
A: The sun. They only look the same size to us on Earth because the sun is so much farther away.
66. Q: What color is the planet Mars?
A: Red.
67. Q: What’s the biggest planet in the solar system?
A: Jupiter. It’s so big that 1,300 Earths could fit inside it.
68. Q: What planet is closest to the sun?
A: Mercury.
69. Q: Does the moon make its own light?
A: No. Moonlight is actually sunlight reflected off the moon’s surface.
70. Q: What planet is farthest from the sun?
A: Neptune. If someone said Pluto, they would have been right until 2006, when scientists decided Pluto is only a dwarf planet.
71. Q: What was the first human-made object to orbit the Earth?
A: A small satellite called Sputnik was blasted into Earth’s orbit in 1957. It stayed in orbit for several months.
72. Q: November 2, 2000, was the last time all humans were together on Earth. Since then, someone has always been living above the Earth on what orbiting home?
A: The International Space Station. People have been living in it continuously since late 2000.
73. Q: Who was the first person to step foot on the moon?
A: Neil Armstrong, an American Apollo 11 astronaut, was the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969. His fellow astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin joined him moments later.
74. Q: What’s the Milky Way?
A: The Milky Way is our home galaxy. A galaxy is a big group of stars, gas, and dust. In some places far from city lights, you can see the edge of the Milky Way at night. It looks like a band of clouds across the sky.
75. Q: The first person in space was from what country?
A: The Soviet Union (or modern-day Russia).
History Trivia Questions![Abraham Lincoln](
76. Q: Who was the first president of the United States?
A: George Washington.
77. Q: In 1903, the Wright Brothers were the first people to do what?
A: The Wright Brothers were the first people to fly an airplane.
78. Q: How many stripes are on the American Flag?
A: 13.
79. Q: What did the Titanic hit that made it sink?
A: An iceberg.
80. Q: What people built the Great Pyramids?
A: The Egyptians.
81. Q: Alexander Graham Bell invented what?
A: The telephone.
82. Q: What country’s flag has an eagle holding a snake on it?
A: Mexico.
83. Q: What is the name of the Black woman who refused to give up her bus seat, leading to the Civil Rights movement in America?
A: Rosa Parks.
84. Q: Where did the first Olympic Games of the modern era take place?
A: Greece.
85. Q: Alfred Nobel started the Nobel Peace Prize. What explosive did he invent before that?
A: Nobel invented dynamite.
86. Q: Abraham Lincoln was not only a great president but also a champion athlete in what sport?
A: Wrestling. Lincoln had a 299-1 record in wrestling and is the only president in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.
87. Q: Who was the first Black man to play on a Major League Baseball team?
A: Jackie Robinson, in 1947.
88: Q. Johannes Gutenberg made it possible for everyday people to own books by inventing what?
A: The printing press.
89: Q. Which came first: the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution?
A: The Declaration of Independence came first.
Children’s Book Trivia Questions
90. Q: Who is Curious George’s human friend?
A: The Man in the Yellow Hat.
91: Q: Finish this quote: “Goodnight moon, goodnight air, goodnight ______.”
A: “noises everywhere.”
92. Q: Which fictional wizard is known as “The Boy Who Lived”?
A: Harry Potter.
93. Q: Which author wrote “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?”
A: Roald Dahl.
94. Q: Which author wrote about Ramona Quimby, among other famous characters, and lived to be 104 years old?
A: Beverly Cleary.
95. Q: Leroy Brown is a young detective who solves mysteries. What’s his nickname?
A: Encyclopedia Brown.
96. Q: Paddington Bear was originally from which country?
A: Peru.
Music Trivia Questions
97. Q: The person who stands up front and directs an orchestra is called _____.
A: A Conductor.
98. Q: Which musical instrument has black keys, white keys, and pedals?
A: Piano.
99. Q: Does a piano have more black keys or more white keys?
A: White keys.
100. Q: When we sing the alphabet song, the tune is the same as what famous lullaby?
A: “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star.”
Make Your Own Trivia Questions About Your Family
Now, get to know each other better. Have each family member think of interesting things about themselves for trivia questions. Take turns asking questions and having family members guess the answers.